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 “If you don’t create a culture, a culture will create itself, and it won’t be good. If it hasn’t been nurtured, you can assume it’s the wrong culture.”
– Bill Emerson, Vice Chairman, Quicken Loans

Whether you manage a small team of individuals, or an entire organization, you own a culture. And the effectiveness of that culture will have a big impact on your performance. If your team culture is clear and positive, then your people will buy into your ideas, your cause, and – most importantly – they will believe what they do matters and that they can make a difference.

To put it bluntly…. if a culture works, everything works better.

The best leaders in the world – regardless of background, industry, age, sex, or job title – know that the most reliable competitive advantage an organization can have comes from creating a culture where their people can do their best work.

Unfortunately, few leaders actually know how to get their people “on the train.”

At the end of the day it all boils down to the following: How well do you know your team? Do you know what their strengths are? Do you know what your people’s weaknesses are? Do you know what your employee’s like to do for fun, or what they enjoy the most about their job?

If you are in a leadership role – and you aren’t taking the time to get a better understanding of your “most important asset,” then you are not doing them a service, nor are you leading them to the best of your abilities. Every single individual on your team wakes up with a purpose. They have reasons for doing what they do…be it children, money, maintaining a lifestyle, etc. Why? Because all of our motivators – no matter who we are – are different.

People need to feel meaning and they want to know that what they do makes an impact in some way. If you take care of your team, they will return the favor tenfold. On top of that, culture (both good and bad) drives a brand. If your culture and brand have a positive reputation, you will see higher customer satisfaction and better business results.

Business is people, after all. And it is the people that create a culture.

Want to join the JX Family and be a part of the JX culture? View our current open positions and apply today!


Author: Manager, Learning & Development