How About A Little Appreciation, Huh?

What is the number one motivator for employees? If you answered with “appreciation,” you’d be correct. Bonus question: What is the number two motivator for employees? If you answered “training opportunities,” you have aced the quiz! Ok…ok…I won’t get in to the details behind the answer to the second question (shameless plug by a learning [...]

December 11th, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

The Power of “Thank You”

Candidates put a lot of time and energy into constructing their resumes, cover letters, and even what they wear for the interview. While this shows great preparation for this phase in the job acquisition process, they often miss a crucial component of interview etiquette: the “thank you.” Sending a thank-you letter sets you apart. If it’s [...]

February 15th, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments