Delegation and Accountability are Good Things: Embrace This Fact

Being in the learning & development field, I know that as soon as I use the word “accountability,” people start running for cover. And it’s not just non-management employees that run for the hills, I’ve seen plenty of folks in leadership positions shy away from the word and struggle with what it really means. The [...]

July 6th, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

You Have One Job: Help Customers Achieve Their Objectives

Regardless of your industry, it is imperative that sales professionals do what it takes to truly understand their customer’s primary business objectives and come up with solutions accordingly. More often than not, too many assumptions are made with regard to what the prospect’s issues are, how severe they might be, and how eager the prospect [...]

April 2nd, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments