Safety First: AED

 We are dedicated to keeping our facilities safe and equipped with the proper tools such as Automated External Defibrillator (AED’s). Therefore, all of our service locations are equipped with AED’s as a way to protect the lives of our employees and customers. AED’s are important in a workplace because they could be lifesaving for [...]

January 24th, 2019|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

Making Conscious Choices

As we find ourselves encountering the beginning of a brand new year, you may feel an influx of energy and optimism for the new year ahead of you. Next thing you know, the emails are piling up, the customers are more demanding, and you feel like you just got hit by a Peterbilt that has [...]

January 18th, 2019|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

How About A Little Appreciation, Huh?

What is the number one motivator for employees? If you answered with “appreciation,” you’d be correct. Bonus question: What is the number two motivator for employees? If you answered “training opportunities,” you have aced the quiz! Ok…ok…I won’t get in to the details behind the answer to the second question (shameless plug by a learning [...]

December 11th, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

Job Interview Tips

It's not always about experience and qualifications....It’s about how prepared you are. Prepping for an interview is one of the most commonly missed steps in process. Don't just walk in and wing it..... Do some "homework" Take 10 minutes and check out the company website. Find 1-2 things that you like about the company. Prepare [...]

October 11th, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

Delegation and Accountability are Good Things: Embrace This Fact

Being in the learning & development field, I know that as soon as I use the word “accountability,” people start running for cover. And it’s not just non-management employees that run for the hills, I’ve seen plenty of folks in leadership positions shy away from the word and struggle with what it really means. The [...]

July 6th, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

Business Starts With Empowering Our Employees

Many companies overlook the significant impact that developing and empowering employees has on the overall business and the employees themselves. The importance of empowering employees in the workplace is clear when the benefits of doing so are understood and not underestimated. Employee empowerment creates individual and group confidence, enabling people to work more efficiently and [...]

June 21st, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

12 Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media

  Social Media can MAKE or BREAK your job search.   With Summer right around the corner it's prime time for festivals, BBQ's, weddings, and sandy beaches. That being said, it's wise to make sure that your social media presence stays professional.   According to, a whopping "70 percent of U.S. business managers say [...]

May 17th, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

You Have One Job: Help Customers Achieve Their Objectives

Regardless of your industry, it is imperative that sales professionals do what it takes to truly understand their customer’s primary business objectives and come up with solutions accordingly. More often than not, too many assumptions are made with regard to what the prospect’s issues are, how severe they might be, and how eager the prospect [...]

April 2nd, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments

The Power of “Thank You”

Candidates put a lot of time and energy into constructing their resumes, cover letters, and even what they wear for the interview. While this shows great preparation for this phase in the job acquisition process, they often miss a crucial component of interview etiquette: the “thank you.” Sending a thank-you letter sets you apart. If it’s [...]

February 15th, 2018|Your Career Starts Here|0 Comments